July 31, 2010

Integer in tempus dui. Praesent venenatis, tortor id facilisis venenatis, quam metus gravida tortor, at fringilla urna quam eu nunc. Donec ut lobortis magna, sollicitudin aliquam metus. Nullam laoreet, est ac vehicula viverra, eros justo convallis est, eu dapibus urna elit eu augue. Nunc iaculis ex non justo volutpat, sed ultricies mauris mattis. Etiam non luctus nisi. Quisque at porta nisl. Duis pretium commodo libero, sit amet suscipit felis pellentesque sit amet. Maecenas sodales quam nec lorem fringilla porta. Morbi risus erat, maximus id felis in, porttitor bibendum magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus eget sapien non felis vulputate commodo et eget mauris.

“Morbi risus erat, maximus id felis in, porttitor bibendum magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.”

Vestibulum sed lacinia diam. Morbi varius augue quis fringilla molestie. Etiam eget mattis dolor. Pellentesque porta metus dolor, eu pretium felis sagittis ac. Phasellus tortor nunc, porttitor viverra lobortis ac, tincidunt nec ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam quis sapien pellentesque dui accumsan ultrices non eget velit. Fusce eu aliquam lorem. Pellentesque vel tellus enim. Ut sapien elit, dignissim ut ornare vitae, viverra ut nisi. Morbi quis sagittis velit.

Wolfman ‘Kuato Cut’ bred and selected by @hyp3rids
So after much deliberation, we are proud to confirm that our favourite Wolfman pheno, is now our official Hyp3rids selection. Without a doubt, she is our new favourite strain. We are so happy with how she turned out, we can’t wait to hear from you guys when you also get to experience her.
Puma, Zacatecas (Male) Mexican Landrace
Another interesting local IBL from the Zacatecas region of Mexico, famous for a number of local strains including Mezquital Oro, Huitzil and the legendary Zacatecas Purple. This again will be made available at the end of the summer as an IBL and as a cross with our No.2 flagship strain.
Garra, Jalisco (Male) Mexican Landrace
So here we have Garra from Jalisco, a local landrace IBL collected straight at the source. This was our male selection for the reproduction we just completed, and will be available at the end of the summer. I don’t have all the details to hand, but expect big skunky, odorous buds, that reek in the hot sun. Most Mexican varieties have more floral / fruity notes, so this strain is quite unique in that sense. 

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